Sustainability Momentum Sdn Bhd

Forest Exploitation Victim: Keruing Paya is Extinct in The Wild

keruing paya

Dipterocarpus coriaceus

Dipterocarpus coriaceus
, also locally known as Keruing Paya, is an endemic species to Kalimantan, Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. However, in July 2013, this species is reported to be extinct from peninsular Malaysia. Its last largest natural habitat, the Bikam Forest Reserve in Perak has been de-gazetted for oil palm plantations over a long period of time. The last remaining 400ha of forest area was de-gazetted early this year by the state government. Keruing Paya is known for its high value timber and MNS and FRIM will work together to replant this species in their original habitat.


Date & source: July 31, 2013, The New Straits Times