Sustainability Momentum Sdn Bhd

Yangtze River’s Fish Species on the Brink of Extinction – Is the Dam to Blame?

                        gorges dam                                                                      The Three Gorges Dam. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

A number of reports from various Chinese authorities and organisations have revealed that the ecological system of the upper branches of the Yangtze River has collapsed and as a result many precious fish species are now on the brink of extinction. Species populations such as reeves shad, sturgeons, puffer fish and at least four types of carps (black carp, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp) are on the decline. In addition to over-fishing and pollution, the main reason for the drastic decline of fish species in the Yangtze is the disordered construction of dams.


Date and Source: 23 October 2013,