Sustainability Momentum Sdn Bhd

Our People: Our Asset

Our Story
SUMO is a collective of people with talent and passion for helping others meet the challenge of living in the 21st century. We have a big heart for people and a big vision for sustainable living on this planet.

We bring together technical competencies and creative conceptual thinking that are the foundation for sustainability momentum. With SUMO, you’re not working with the company, you’re working with the people.

And we would love to meet you to build your sustainability momentum.

MARINA YONG – Sustainability Mentor

Masters in oceanography + Postgraduate training in environmental science and technology + Certifications in environmental auditing, energy management systems and chemical health risk assessments + Registered Electrical Energy Manager (REEM) +21 years of sustainability transformation + Authored industry guidelines in environmental audit and chemical health risk assessment + Lead industry committees in energy efficiency and environmental awards + Speaker and panel moderator in energy and environment forums + Currently driving a hybrid vehicle + Dreaming of an affordable full electric motorbike.

VacantSustainability Catalyst

 VacantSustainability Talent

people new haslinda HASLINDA MOHAMAD – The Support

Bachelors degree in Computer Science + Experienced in computer science, administration and account management + Five years experience with an environmental management organisation + Hopes to impart her environmental values to her young daughter, Ainul.